River Valley Arts Trivia Fundraiser
Have fun and raise money for one of River Valley's most impactful organizations, River Valley ARTS. Over the years River Valley ARTS has granted well over $200,000 to local organizations, schools, and artists, providing funding for countless concerts, art exhibitions, classes, and other performances throughout our community.
On March 9th, the Slowpoke Lounge and Cabaret in Spring Green will host a trivia fundraiser for River Valley ARTS. The event, featuring Trivia Mistress Kyle Adams, will be a wonderful opportunity to enjoy an evening with your friends and neighbors while raising money for arts and culture programs in the River Valley area.
Details: Teams can be up to 4 people and the entry fee is $15 per person. Registration/check-in starts at 5:30pm with the first question at 6:00pm. Grand prize is $50 and there will be a raffle with prizes generously donated by local artists and businesses.
For more information email contact@rivervalleyarts.org.